

单词 Paralegal
释义 律師助理
A person who performs legal, quasi-legal, or related work, although not admitted as a legal practitioner. Paralegals commonly work within a private, corporate, or government legal practice having varying degrees of responsibility for the performance of tasks within the practice. The principal or partners of the legal practice have ultimate responsibility for the proper supervision of paralegal in the conduct of legal matters: Solicitors’ Practice Rules (Cap 159H) rr 4A, 4B. The own interests of paralegal or legal executive who is performing the functions of a solicitor must not conflict with his duty to his client. Also known as ‘legal assistant’ or ‘legal executive’. See also Legal practitioner; Licensing; Private practice.
雖然未獲認許為律師,但卻執行法律、準法律,或有關工作的人士。律師助理普遍在私人、法團或政府的法律執業內工作,並在該執業內就履行任務負有不同程度的責任。律師行的主管或合顆人就恰當監管律師助理執行法律事宜負有最終責任:《律師執業規則》(第159H章)第4A、4B條。履行律師職能的律師助理或法律行政人員其個人的利害關係必須不與其向客戶承擔的職責相衝突。亦稱為「法律助理」、「法律行政人員」。另見 Legal practitioner; Licensing; Private practice。 n.




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