

单词 Owner
释义 擁有人
A person in whom the ownership of property is vested. Rights of ownership include the right to exclude others, to destroy or alter the property, to alienate the property, to maintain it, and to recover possession of it. Rights of ownership are divisible, in that property may be bailed, pledged, hired, mortgaged or partially transferred to another. As a consequence, an owner may not always have a right to possess and may be restricted in exercising rights such as those to alter or destroy the property. Ownership may be equitable, legal, beneficial, joint, several, general or partial. The precise meaning of the term may vary from case to case.
Consumer credit - A person who has the power to give express authority with regard to dealing with goods or documents of title; the principal. The person who hires out or agrees to sell goods under a hire-purchase agreement. It includes any person who has rights in the goods or to whom the goods have been assigned. See also Agency; Agent; Dealer; Express authority; Goods; Hire purchase agreement; Hirer; Principal.
Real property - 1. A person holding premises direct from the Government whether under lease, licence or otherwise, any mortgagee in possession and any person receiving the rent of any premises, solely or with another, on his own behalf or that of any person, or who would receive the same if such premises were let to a tenant, and where such owner as above defined cannot be found or ascertained or is absent from Hong Kong or is under disability, the agent of such owner: for example, Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 2(1). It includes the person entitled to the immediate reversion or to the possession of the premises, or, if the property is held in joint tenancy or tenancy in common, means any one of the persons entitled to such reversion or possession: Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 7) s 128. 2. A person who jointly or severally, whether at law or in equity, registered or entitled to be registered in the Land Registry in respect of the land, or directly under a Government lease, or under another title directly from the Government registered in the Land Registry: Government Rent and Premium (Apportionment) Ordinance (Cap 125) s 2; Housing Ordinance (Cap 283) s 2. 3. The holder of any tenement direct from the Government, whether under lease, licence or otherwise, or the immediate landlord of any tenement, or the agent of any such holder or landlord and also means a mortgagee or chargee: for example Rating Ordinance (Cap 116) s 2. See also Beneficial ownership; Equitable owner; Estate or interest.
消費者信貸 - 有權就處理貨品或業權文件發出明示授權的人;主事人。依照租購協議出租或同意銷售貨品的人。擁有人包括對貨品擁有權利的人或受讓貨品的人。另見 Agency; Agent; Dealer; Express authority; Goods; Hire purchase agreement; Hirer; Principal。
土地財產 - 1. 包括任何根據租契、特許或其他方式直接從政府取得而持有處所的人、任何管有承按人、任何單獨或與他人共同為其本人或為任何人收取任何處所租金的人,或若處所租給租客時任何本會收取該處所租金的人;此外,在不能尋獲或不能確定符合上述定義的擁有人時,或在符合上述定義的擁有人不在香港或無行為能力時,則此詞亦包括如此的擁有人的代理人:例如 《建築物條例》(第123章) 第2(1)條。指有權獲得處所的即時復歸權的人,或指有權獲得處所的管有的人。如財產是聯權共有或分權共有的,則指有權獲得該復歸權或管有的其中任何一人:《業主與租客(綜合)條例》(第7章) 第128條。  2. 指不論是在法律上或衡平法上,共同和各別就有關的土地在土地註冊處註冊或有權註冊的人,或直接根據政府的租契、或根據直接從土地註冊處註冊的政府租契產生的另一業權:《地稅及地價 (分攤) 條例》 (第125章) 第2條;《房屋條例》 (第283章) 第2條。  3. 指直接從政府取得的物業單位的持有人 (不論是根據租約、特許或其他形式持有) ,或物業單位的直接業主,或該等持有人或直接業主的代理人,亦指承按人或承押記人:例如《差餉條例》 (第116章) 第2條。另見 Beneficial ownership; Equitable owner; Estate or interest。n.




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