

单词 Execution
释义 執行/簽立
OF – executor – to follow. The exercising of some power or the fulfilling of some requirement. Execution usually refers to the signing of a document with legal requirements such as a lease so as to make it formally valid or the enforcing of a judgment of a court.
Conflict of laws - The enforcement of a foreign judgment in a place in which a dispute may be heard. The execution of judgments, being part of the procedural law, is governed by the lex fori (law of the forum). See also Decree; Foreign judgment; Forum.
Deeds - Often used loosely to mean ‘signing’; strictly it means doing all that is required to make the deed operative: signing with proper attestation, sealing and delivery. A deed may be executed by the party making the deed, or by an agent or attorney so authorised by deed to act on the principal’s behalf. Execution may be conditional (as with an escrow). However, execution of a deed on part is generally no execution at all: Wilkinson v Anglo-Californian Gold Mining Co (1852) 118 ER 275, 18 QB 728. An instrument appearing to be duly executed shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have been duly executed: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 23; Grand Trade Development Ltd v Bonance International Ltd [2001] 3 HKC 137, 2 HKLRD 759 (CA). On the question of whether a company is proved to have duly executed a deed for the purpose of showing and proving title in a conveyancing transaction, a party needs to rely on the presumption of due execution under s 23, and specific words describing precisely the capacity of the signatory must appear on the face of the deed: Grand Trade Development Ltd v Bonance International Ltd, supra. For execution of a deed by an individual or a corporation in general: ss 19, 20. See also Conditional execution; Deed; Delivery; Escrow; Sealing.
Practice and procedure - The enforcement of or giving effect to the judgments or orders of the courts of justice. For example, a judgment or order for the payment of money to a judgment creditor may be enforced by one or more of the following means: a writ of execution, garnishee proceedings, a charging order, appointment of a receiver, an order of commital, order of imprisonment: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 45 r 1(1). See also Act of bankruptcy; Enforcement process.
Succession - The act of carrying out and completing the prescribed formalities required to make a legally valid will or codicil or to effectively alter, vary, revive, or revoke an earlier will or a provision or part of a previous will: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 5(1). Requirements for due execution of a will are that the will must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some other person in the presence and by the direction of the testator, with the testator signing or acknowledging his signature in the presence of two witnesses who are present at the same time and with the witnesses then in turn either attesting and signing the will or acknowledging his signature in the testator’s presence. Such requirements do not apply to the execution of a privileged will (s 6) and may be dispensed with by the court in certain circumstances (s 5(2)). An executor may also be said to execute the will by giving effect to its provisions. See also Attestation; Privileged will; Will.
古法語 ─ executor – 遵照。行使若干權力或符合若干規定。通常指簽署有法律規定的文件,例如租約,從而使其正式生效、或指強制執行法庭的判決。
法律上的衝突 -   在可就爭議進行聆訊之地強制執行外地判決。判決的執行為程序法的一部份,由審判地法i(訴訟地法)所管轄。另見 Decree; Foreign judgment; Forum。
契據 -   一般指「簽署」;嚴格而言,指作出所有規定使契據發揮效力的作為:具備適當見證的簽署、蓋上印章及交付。契據可由作出契據的一方簽立,或由契據授權代表主事人行事的代理人或受權人簽立。簽立可以是附有條件的(例如條件尚待完成的契據)。但概括而言,部分契據的簽立並非根本的簽立:Wilkinson v Anglo-Californian Gold Mining Co (1852) 118 ER 275,18 QB 728。文書如看似妥為簽立,須推定為已妥為簽立,直至相反證明成立為止:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第23條;Grand Trade Development Ltd v Bonance International Ltd [2001] 3 HKC 137, 2 HKLRD 759 (上訴法庭)。就有關公司是否已證明已妥為簽立某契據以茲顯示及證明物業轉易交易的問題而言,一方須依據第23條妥為簽立的推定,確實地描述簽署人身分的特定文字須顯示於契據的表面上:Grand Trade Development Ltd v Bonance International Ltd, 見上文。一般契據由個人或法團簽立:第19及20條。另見 Conditional execution; Deed; Delivery; Escrow; Sealing。
常規及程序 -   強制執行或施行法院判決或命令。例如付款予判定債權人的判決或命令,可用以下一種或多於一種方法強制執行:執行令;第三債務人的法律程序;押記令;委任接管人;交付羈押令;監禁令:《高等法院規則》第4A章)第45號命令第1(1)條規則。另見 Act of bankruptcy; Enforcement process。
繼承法 -   為訂立法律上有效的遺囑,或作出法律上有效的遺囑修訂,或有效地更改先前訂立的遺囑、遺囑的某條款、遺囑的一部份,或有效地將先前訂立的遺囑、遺囑的某條款、遺囑的一部份恢復為有效,或撤銷一個先前訂立的遺囑、遺囑的某條款、遺囑的一部份,而執行或完成訂明的正式手續:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第5(1)條。妥為簽立的遺囑必須以書面訂立,並由立遺囑人簽署,或由其他人在立遺囑人面前並依其指示簽署,立遺囑人是在2名或2名以上同時在場的見證人面前作出簽署或承認其簽署,然後依次序,由證人在立遺囑人面前作見證並簽署該遺囑,或由證人承認其所作的簽署。此等規定不適用於特別遺囑的簽訂(第6條),在若干情況下,可由法庭免除(第5(2)條)。遺囑執行人亦可藉著使遺囑條文具有效力而執行遺囑。另見 Attestation; Privileged will; Will。n.




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