

单词 Judge of the Court of Final Appeal
释义 終審法院法官
The Chief Justice, a permanent judge and a non-permanent judge: Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap 484) s 2(1). There shall be not less than three permanent judges. The Court of Final Appeal may as required invite non-permanent Hong Kong judges, or judges from other common law jurisdictions to sit on the Court: s 5. The Chief Justice and the permanent judges are appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission: ss 6, 7. A person is eligible to be appointed as the Chief Justice or as a permanent judge if he is the Chief Judge of the High Court, a Justice of Appeal, or a judge of the Court of First Instance, or a barrister who has practised as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong for a period of at least 10 years: s 12(1). There are lists of non-permanent Hong Kong judges and of judges from other common law jurisdictions, that consist of judges appointed by the Chief Executive acting in accordance with the recommendation: ss 8, 9. The total number of persons holding office as non-permanent judges shall not exceed 30 at any one time: s 10. A person who has been appointed as the Chief Justice, a permanent judge or a non-permanent judge shall not be entitled to practise as a barrister or solicitor in Hong Kong either while he holds office as such a judge or at any time after he ceases for any reason to hold office: s 13. See also Chief Justice; Court of Final Appeal.
包括首席法官、常任法官及非常任法官:《香港終審法院條例》(第484章) 第2(1)條。 應有不少於三名常任法官。終審法院可根據需要邀請非常任香港法官或其他普通法適用地區法官參加終審法院的審判:第5條。首席法官和常任法官須由行政長官根據司法人員推薦委員會的推薦委任:第6及7條。任何以下人士均有資格獲委任為首席法官或常任法官 (a) 高等法院首席法官、上訴法庭法官或原訟法庭法官;或b) 在香港以大律師或律師身分執業最少10年的大律師:第12(1)條。香港有「非常任香港法官名單」和「其他普通法適用地區法官名單」,該名單須由獲行政長官根據推薦委任為法官的法官所構成:第8及9條。擔任非常任法官職位的人士的總人數,無論在任何時候均不得超逾30名:第10條。已獲委任為首席法官、常任法官或非常任法官的人士,無權在他擔任上述法官職位的期間內或在他由於任何原因終止擔任上述法官職位之後的任何時間,在香港以大律師或律師身分執業:第13條。另見 Chief Justice; Court of Final Appeal。




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