

单词 Milroy v Lord, rule in
释义 Milroy訴Lord之規則
The requirement of trust law that to render a voluntary settlement valid and effective, the settlor must have done everything which, according to the nature of the property comprised in the settlement, was necessary for the settlor to do to transfer the property: Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De G F & J 264; Tung Kun Sheng v Chow Oi Lin [1996] 4 HKC (HC). The rule governs the creation of completely constituted trusts. See also Completely constituted trust; Incompletely constituted trust; Voluntary settlement.
指信託法的規定,以引致無償授產安排生效及有效,財產授予人須根據授產安排中財產的性質,做一切他就轉讓財產而必須做的事情:Milroy v Lord (1862) 4 De G F & J 264;Tung Kun Sheng v Chow Oi Lin [1996] 4 HKC (高等法院)。此規則管限已完整組成的信託的創立。另見 Completely constituted trust; Incompletely constituted trust; Voluntary settlement。




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