

单词 Tendency to prejudice proceedings
释义 傾向損害法律程序
A category of criminal contempt of court where a publication is judged to have a real and definite tendency to frustrate or deflect a prosecution or disciplinary proceedings: John Fairfax & Sons Pty Ltd v McRae (1955) 93 CLR 351. The court’s power to strike out a pleading or an indorsement of a writ or any part of it may be exercised on the ground that it may prejudice or embarrass the fair trial of the action: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 19(1)(c). For a publication to amount to a contempt, the test is whether there is a real risk of or tendency to prejudice: Wong Yeung Ng v S-J [1999] 2 HKC 24, 2 HKLRD 293 (CA). It seems that a risk of prejudice to the administration of justice as a whole will suffice: A-G v Times Newspapers Ltd [1974] AC 273, [1973] 3 All ER 54 (HL). However the cases which suggest that a publication that is likely or tends to prejudice the trial or conduct of an action constitutes a contempt are now doubtful: A-G v South China Morning Post Ltd & Anor [1984] 1 HKC 500. The degree of risk of prejudice is also a material factor in determining what punishment, if any, should be imposed on the contemnor: A-G v Times Newspapers Ltd [1974] AC 273, [1973] 3 All ER 54 (HL). The extent of the circulation of the publication (A-G v Hislop [1991] 1 QB 514, 1 All ER 911 (CA)) and the interval between the publication and the trial (R v Lo Sau King [1956] 40 HKLR 26, [1962] HKLR 124) are relevant in determining whether there is a tendency to prejudice. A publication may create a further risk even though there is already some risk of prejudice by reason of earlier publication: A-G v MGN Ltd [1997] 1 All ER 456. The relevant time for determining whether there is a risk of prejudice is the time of publication: A-G v Cheung Kim Hung [1997] HKLRD 472, (1997) 7 HKPLR 295. Misreporting of court proceedings which tends to prejudice the fair trial of an accused is punishable as a contempt: R v Evening Standard Co Ltd, ex p A-G [1954] 1 QB 578, 1 All ER 1026 (DC). See also Contempt by publication.
在這類刑事蔑視法庭下,如某公佈被裁斷為有真正而確定的傾向,則會阻礙或改變某檢控或紀律處分程序:John Fairfax & Sons Pty Ltd v McRae (1955) 93 CLR 351。法庭可憑藉有關狀書、註明或東西可能會對有關訴訟的公平審訊造成損害、妨礙或延遲的理由,行使其剔除狀書或令狀註明,或任何狀書或該註明上的任何東西的權力:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第18號命令第19(1)(c)條規則。按照有關的檢證,如某公布有真正損害的危機或傾向,則會構成蔑視:Wong Yeung Ng v S-J [1999] 2 HKC 24, 2 HKLRD 293(上訴法庭)。如整體看來對執行司法工作有損害的危機,便已足夠:A-G v Times Newspapers Ltd [1974] AC 273, [1973] 3 All ER 54 (上議院)。但在意指如某公布相當可能或傾向損害有關訴訟審訴或行為,即構成蔑視的案件,現在已產生疑問:A-G v South China Morning Post Ltd [1984] HKC 500。在決定應加諸蔑視者有關的懲罰時(如有的話),損害危機的程度亦是關鍵的因素:A-G v Times Newspapers Ltd [1974] AC 273, [1973] 3 All ER 54 (上議院)。在決定是否有損害傾向時,有關公佈的流通程度(A-G v Hislop [1991] 1 QB 514, 1 All ER 911(英國上訴法院))和有關公佈及審訊的相隔期間 (R v Lo Sau King [1956] HKLR 26)是有關的因素。即使因較早的公佈已有若干損害的危機,某公佈可產生進一步的危機:A-G v MGN Ltd [1997] 1 All ER 456。公佈時間是決定是否有損害危機的有關時間:A-G v Cheung Kim Hung [1997] HKLRD 472, (1997) 7 HKPLR 295。傾向損害被告人接受公平審訴的錯誤法庭訴訟程序報導,可作為蔑視罪予以懲處:R v Evening Standard Co Ltd, ex p A-G [1954] 1 QB 578, 1 All ER 1026(英國地方法院)。另見 Contempt by publication。




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