

单词 Tenor of the will
释义 遺囑的意旨

The general import, context and meaning of a will construed as a whole, as in interpreting the tone or ‘voice’ of the testator and his or her intentions through the words used in the testamentary document. Probate of any will which is admissible to proof may be granted without an order from the Registrar to the person named in the will if the will describes that person’s duties in terms sufficient to constitute him executor according to the tenor of the will: Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 29; Fok Shin Yee Cynthia & Ors v Wong Kimball & Ors [1986] 1 HKC 175 (CA). See also Construction; Interpretation; Usual meaning rule.
任何遺囑整體解釋的概括宗旨、文意及涵義,一如透過在遺囑性質文件使用的文字,對立遺囑人的思想傾向或「願望的表達」及其意意向的釋義。如遺囑在描述某指名的人的職責時,其措詞按照遺囑的意旨足以令該人成為遺囑執行人者,則在沒有司法常務官對該遺囑內指名的人作出任何委任為遺產管理人的命令的情況下,可接納為證明的任何遺囑認證可授予的人:《無爭議遺囑認證規則》(第 10A章)第29條規則;Fok Shin Yee Cynthia & Ors v Wong Kimball & Ors [1986] 1 HKC 175(上訴法庭)。另見 Construction; Interpretation; Usual meaning rule。





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