

单词 School
释义 學校
1.An institution, organisation or establishment which provides for 20 or more persons during any one day or eight or more persons at any one time, any nursery, kindergarten, primary, secondary or post secondary education or any other educational course by any means, including correspondence delivered by hand or through the postal services: Education Ordinance (Cap 279) s 3. It is not confined to an establishment providing formal nursery, kindergarten, primary or further education in settings in an ordinary school. The definition includes any other educational course by any means. The Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower is required to maintain a register of schools, in which must be entered the name of every registered school and the premises which are specified in the certificate of registration of the school: s 8(1)(a). 2. An organisational unit within a university that provides for the teaching and research activities of the university in a given discipline or group of disciplines or in related applied fields of study. See also Primary education; University.
1.指一間院校、組織或機構,其於任何一天向20人或多於20人或於任何時間同時向8人或多於8人提供幼兒、幼稚園、小學、中學或專上教育或以任何方式提供任何其他教育課程,包括以專人或郵遞服務交付的函授方式:《教育條例》(第279章)第3條。學校不限於提供正式托兒所,幼稚園,小學或進一步以一般學校分班的教育的機構。學校的定義包括任何其他以任何方式進行的教育課程。教育統籌局常任秘書長須備存一份學校登記冊,其中必須記載每間註冊學校的名稱;及該學校的註冊證明書中所指明的房產:第8(1)(a)條。  2. 就一特定學科或一組學科或有關的應用研究範疇,提供大學教學及研究活動的大學內的組織單位。另見 Primary education; University。 n.




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