

单词 Marriage
释义 婚姻
The union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others. 1. A marriage celebrated or contracted in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap 181); a modern marriage validated by the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178); a customary marriage declared to be valid by the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap 178); or a marriage celebrated or contracted outside Hong Kong in accordance with the law in force at the time and in the place where the marriage was performed: Legitimacy Ordinance (Cap 184) s 2. 2. Non-christian customary marriages duly celebrated according to the personal law and religion of the parties: Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance (Cap 213) s 2. See also Chinese customary marriage.
指不容他人介入的一男一女結合。1. 按照《婚姻條例》(第181章)條文而舉行婚禮或締結的婚姻;《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)認可的新式婚姻;《婚姻制度改革條例》(第178章)宣布有效的舊式婚姻;或在香港以外地方按照當地當時施行的法律而舉行婚禮或締結的婚姻:《婚生地位條例》(第184章)第2條。  2. 按照雙方各自奉守的法律及宗教正式舉行的非基督教式習俗婚禮所締結的婚姻:《保護兒童及少年條例》(第213章)第2條。另見 Chinese customary marriage。n.




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