

单词 School's duty of care
释义 學校的謹慎責任
The standard of care required from a school and its staff in relation to those that attend it, and the obligation of a school for the acts of those within its care. The ordinary principles of vicarious liability apply where the negligence is that of a teacher: Smith v Martin and Kingston-upon-Hull Corp [1911] 2 KB 775 (CA). Negligence in the supervision of pupils may render those charged with their care liable to compensate the pupils or any other person suffering injury or damage as a result: Greenwood v Atherton [1939] 1 KB 388, [1938] 4 All ER 686 (CA). The teacher’s duty at common law is to take such care of the children in his charge as a careful parent would take of his own child: Williams v Eady (1893) 10 TLR 41 (CA). The standard of care generally expected of a teacher is that of a reasonably prudent parent judged not in the context of his own home but in that of a school (Lyes v Middlesex County Council (1962) 61 LGR 443), or the standard of a reasonable parent of a rather large family (Jacques v Oxfordshire County Council (1968) 66 LGR 440). The duty of care appropriate in sport and physical education may call for more than usual forethought and supervision: Gibbs v Barking Corp [1936] 1 All ER 115 (CA). The standard of care is especially high in relation to children with disability: Moore v Hampshire County Council (1981) 80 LGR 481 (CA).
要求學校及其出勤的職員達到的謹慎標準,及學校對在謹慎責任之內行事的人負有的責任。 如教師疏忽,則一般的替代責任原則適用:Smith v Martin and Kingston-upon-Hull Corp [1911] 2 KB 775 (英國上訴法院)。 疏忽監管兒童可使有謹慎責任的人,有責任向有關學生或任何因而蒙受傷害或損害的任何其他人賠償:Greenwood v Atherton [1939] 1 KB 388, [1938] 4 All ER 686 (英國上訴法院)。 教師在普通法的責任在於照顧其負責的兒童,正如小心的父母會照顧其子女一樣:Williams v Eady (1893) 10 TLR 41 (上訴法院)。 一般預期教師達到的謹慎標準,是合理審慎的父母會非以其自己的家庭但以學校判斷(Lyes v Middlesex County Council (1962) 61 LGR 443),或相對上大家庭的合理父母的標準 (Jacques v Oxfordshire County Council (1968) 66 LGR 440)。適用於運動及體育教育的謹慎標準,可要求比慣常事先的考慮及監管有更高的標準:Gibbs v Barking Corp [1936] 1 All ER 115 (上訴法院)。有關殘疾人士兒童的謹慎標準特別高:Moore v Hampshire County Council (1981) 80 LGR 481 (上訴法院)。




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