

单词 Warning
释义 警告
A caution; anything pointing out or alerting to the existence of danger.
Criminal law - A direction given by a trial judge to a jury indicating that they should treat the evidence of a particular witness or a particular type of evidence with caution because of some inherent unreliability in the evidence or the witness, or because of matters particular to the witness or evidence in the trial: Nembhard v R [1982] 1 All ER 183, 74 Cr App Rep 144 (PC). The warnings usually given to the jury include: uncorroborated evidence of a child, uncorroborated evidence in respect of sexual offences, uncorroborated evidence of an alleged accomplice; and Turnbull warning in identification (from the case R v Turnbull & Anor [1977] QB 224). The first three types of warnings have been abolished recently: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) ss 4A, 4B; Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 60. Warnings should be fashioned to the circumstances of the particular case and not simply be some legalistic ritual to be automatically recited by the judge: R v Spencer [1987] 1 AC 128 (HL). See also Accomplice warning; Corroboration warning; Direction to jury; Identification direction.
Tort - A label, sign, notice, alarm, or advice. A person repairing may be under a duty to give warning of any defects likely to make the product dangerous: Nicholson v John Deere Ltd (1989) 57 DLR (4th) 639. A general warning or a warning in a language not intelligible to the community is also insufficient, eg in Hong Kong a warning only in English cannot be regarded as adequate: Geier (Orse, Braun) v Kujawa, Weston and Warne Bros (Transport) (Third Parties) [1970] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 364. A general warning of slippery floors is not sufficient to excuse liability for a greasy ramp: Chan Kwai Ngor v Leung Fat Hang (t/a Fu Dor Restaurant) [1992] 1 HKC 408. General notices reminding workers of safety at site are not adequate warning to people working on a construction site containing uncovered holes: Barry Keith Wood v Wsah Tung (E & M) Ltd (HCPI 1004/98, unreported). If a danger is obvious, a visitor is able to appreciate it and a warning is therefore not needed: Staples v West Dorset District Council [1995] PIQR P439 (CA). See also Failure to warn; Label; Notice.
刑事法 -   原審法官對陪審團作出的指示,示意陪審團應小心地處理某特定證人或某特定種類的證據,因為該證據或該證人本身是不可信的,或因為該審訊中某些有關該證人或該證據的特別事項:Nembhard v R [1982] 1 All ER 183, 74 Cr App Rep 144(樞密院)。對陪審團作出的警告通常包括:兒童的無佐證證據、與性罪行有關的無佐證證據、指稱從犯的無佐證證據及於鑑別時的Turnbull警告(源自R v Turnbull & Anor [1977] QB 224一案)。首三種警告近來已被廢除:《證據條例》(第8章)第4A, 4B條;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第60條。警告應合乎該特定案件的情況,而並非法官習慣性地背誦出法律學家的儀式:R v Spencer [1987] 1 AC 128(上議院)。另見 Accomplice warning; Corroboration warning; Direction to jury; Identification direction。
侵權法 -   標籤、標誌、公告、警報或忠告。某個作出修理的人可能負有責任,就任何導致某產品有危險的缺陷而作出警告:Nicholson v John Deere Ltd (1989) 57 DLR (4th) 639。一般警告或以公眾不能理解的語言作出的警告均不足夠,例如在香港僅以英語作出的警告不可視為妥當的:Geier (Orse, Braun) v Kujawa, Weston and Warne Bros (Transport) (Third Parties) [1970] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 364。有關地面濕滑的一般警告不足以辯解涉及有油污的斜坡的法律責任:Chan Kwai Ngor v Leung Fat Hang (t/a Fu Dor Restaurant) [1992] 1 HKC 408。提醒工人於地盤要小心的一般公告,不足以警告於建築地盤工作的人有關未遮蓋的坑洞:Barry Keith Wood v Wsah Tung (E & M) Ltd(高院傷亡訴訟1998年第1004號,未經彙報)。若該危險是明顯的,訪客可意識到的,則因此不需有警告:Staples v West Dorset District Council [1995] PIQR P439(英國上訴法院)。另見 Failure to warn; Label; Notice。n.




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