

单词 Unconditional order
释义 無條件的命令
An order, the performance or validity of which is not dependent on the occurrence of another event. To constitute a bill of exchange or cheque an order must be unconditional. For example, the order to pay must be unconditional: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) ss 3(1), 89(1); Atlas (Overseas) Ltd, Proprietors of Atlas Export Co v Tratmann & Co Ltd [1952] 36 HKLR 60. An unqualified order to pay, coupled with an indication of a particular fund out of which the drawee is to reimburse himself or a particular account to be debited with the amount (Griffin v Weatherby (1868) LR 3 QB 753), or a statement of the transaction which gives rise to the bill (The Elmville [1904] P 319), is unconditional (s 3(3)(a), 3(3)(b)). A cheque is an unconditional order in writing, drawn and signed by the drawer, requiring the banker to pay on demand a sum certain in money to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer: ss 3, 73; Suen Ho Sun v Kamenar International Ltd [1989] 1 HKC 135. See also Bill of exchange, Cheque.
其履行或有效性並不取決於另一件事情發生的命令。某命令必須是無條件的,方可構成匯票或支票。舉例說,付款命令必須是無條件的:《匯票條例》(第19章)第3(1)及89(1)條;Atlas (Overseas) Ltd, Proprietors of Atlas Export Co v Tratmann & Co Ltd [1952] HKLR 60。附有以下指示或說明的無規限付款命令,屬無條件命令(第 3(3)(a)及(b)條):受票人從某筆資金支取款項償還予其本人的指示,或受票人在某帳戶的借方記入該筆款額的指示(Griffin v Weatherby (1868) LR 3 QB 753),或導致產生該匯票的交易的說明(The Elmville [1904] P 319)。支票是由出票人簽發的無條件書面命令,用以要求銀行在應要求下或命令下,支付一筆確定的款項予指明的人或持票人:第3及73條; Suen Ho Sun v Kamenar International Ltd [1989] 1 HKC 135。另見 Bill of exchange, Cheque。




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