

单词 Broadcasting licence
释义 廣播牌照
A licence to broadcast in sound or television, or provide a programme service. Applications from competent companies formed and registered in Hong Kong for broadcasting licences are considered by the Broadcasting Authority which may make recommendations to the Chief Executive in Council. Broadcasting licences may be renewed but can only be renewed by the Chief Executive in Council after considering recommendations from the Broadcasting Authority. Such licences may be suspended or revoked on specified grounds but only upon the recommendation of the Broadcasting Authority made pursuant to an inquiry in which the relevant licencee has been given an opportunity to be heard: Halsbury’s Law of Hong Kong, Vol. 18(2), Media and Communications [255.226]. See also Broadcasting station.
聲音廣播、電視廣播、或提供廣播節目服務的牌照。廣播事務管理局負責考慮在香港成立、註冊的合資格公司的廣播牌照申請,並可向行政長官會同行政會議作出建議。只有行政長官會同行政會議在考慮廣播事務管理局的建議後才可續發該牌照。只有在考慮廣播事務管理局根據有關的持牌人獲得聆訊機會的研訊所作出的建議後,才可根據指明的理由吊銷或撤銷該牌照:Halsbury’s Law of Hong Kong 第18(2)冊,傳媒與通訊,第[225.226]段。另見 Broadcasting station。




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