

单词 Criminal libel
释义 刑事永久形式誹謗
Defamatory publication will be considered as criminal in nature if it vilifies the person who is being defamed. A criminal libel must be serious as opposed to a trivial one as assessed by community standards: Gleaves v Deakin [1979] 2 All ER 497 (HL), [1980] AC 477. The consequence of the libel is to stir up hatred. Also known as ‘defamatory libel’. See also Blasphemous libel; Obscene libel.
誹謗性質的發布會視為有刑事性質,若該發布中傷遭誹謗的人。刑事永久形式誹謗必須屬嚴重的,與按社會標準被評定為輕微的永久形式誹謗相對:Gleaves v Deakin [1979] 2 All ER 497 (上議院), [1980] AC 477。刑事永久形式誹謗的後果是要挑起憎恨。另稱「誹謗名譽的永久形式誹謗」。另見 Blasphemous libel; Obscene libel。




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