

单词 Voice identification
释义 聲音識別
Recognising a particular person by listening to his or her voice. A tape-recording is admissible in evidence provided that the accuracy of the recording can be proved, the recorded voices can be properly identified, and the evidence is relevant and otherwise admissible: R v Maqsud Ali, R v Ashiq Hussain [1966] 1 QB 688, 49 Cr App Rep 230 (CCA); R v Cheung Ka Fai [1995] 3 HKC 214 (CA). Academic research has indicated that voice identification is more difficult than visual identification and concluded that the warning given to the jury should be even more stringent than that given in relation to visual identification: R v Roberts [2000] Crim LR 183. Where an expert gives evidence of voice identification, the jury should be allowed to hear the tapes for the purpose of making its own comparisons: R v Bentum (1989) 153 JP 538 (CA). See also Identification direction; Identification evidence; Voice exemplar.
藉聆聽個別人士的聲音來確認他/她的身份。在以下情況下紀錄帶可獲接納為證據:可證明紀錄帶的準確性;可適當地辨識所紀錄的聲音;該證據屬有關連的及在其他方面可被接納為證據,則:R v Maqsud Ali, R v Ashiq Hussain [1966] 1 QB 688, 49 Cr App Rep 230(刑事上訴法庭); R v Cheung Ka Fai [1995] 3 HKC 214(上訴法庭)。學術研究已指出,聲音識別較目視識別更困難,並總結就聲音識別而向陪審團作出的警告,應比就目視識別而作出的警告較為嚴格:R v Roberts [2000] Crim LR 183。當專家作出聲音識別的證據,陪審團應獲准聆聽有關的紀錄帶,以親自作出比較:R v Bentum (1989) 153 JP 538(芵國上訴法院)。另見 Identification direction; Identification evidence; Voice exemplar。




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