

单词 Latent defect in title
释义 業權的潛在缺點
A defect in title that the purchaser could not discover by inspection of the property through the exercise of ordinary care: McInnes v Edwards [1986] VR 161. Since a vendor’s title to land is exclusively within his own knowledge, he is bound to disclose all latent defects in his title to an intending purchaser: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0185]. If a purchaser subsequently discovers an irremovable defect of title which the vendor did not disclose, he may rescind the contract or resist its specific performance, even though the vendor may have imposed misleading conditions as to the title or proof of title to which the purchaser is entitled: Lo Miu Ling Cindy & Anor v Tam Hung Ping [1998] 4 HKC 238, 2 HKLRD 541 (CFI); Chi Kit Co Ltd & Anor Lucky Health International Enterprises Ltd [2000] 3 HKC 143, 2 HKLRD 503 (CFA). On the other hand, where the contract expressly provides that a good title will be given, the purchaser is entitled to insist upon a good title, notwithstanding that before execution of the contract, the purchaser had notice of latent defects in the title: Re Gloag and Miller’s Contract (1883) 23 Ch D 320. In this case, the vendor should draft a condition which states clearly that the purchaser has knowledge of the defect and accepts the title nonetheless: Sihombing & Wilkinson A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) Ch 5 pp 264-265. See also Defect in title; Good root of title; Marketable title.
買方對財產行使一般謹慎的視察,而不能發現的業權缺點:McInnes v Edwards [1986] VR 161。因為賣方就土地的業權,只有他個人才知悉,他有責任向有意的買家就所有業權的潛在缺點作出披露:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0185]段。如果買方後來發現有賣方沒有作出披露的不能去除的業權缺點,買方可撤銷合約或抗拒合約的強制履行,縱然賣方可能已就買方有權得到的業權或業權證明,施加了誤導性的條件:Lo Miu Ling Cindy & Anor v Tam Hung Ping [1998] 4 HKC 238, 2 HKLRD 541 (高等法院原訴庭); Chi Kit Co Ltd & Anor Lucky Health International Enterprises Ltd [2000] 3 HKC 143, 2 HKLRD 503 (終審法院)。另一方面,凡合約明示規定會給予妥善業權的,儘管在簽訂合約前買方已知悉業權的潛在缺點,買方仍有權堅持取得妥善的業權:Re Gloag and Miller’s Contract (1883) 23 Ch D 320。在這種情況下,賣方應草擬條件清楚說明買方已知悉該缺點,但是仍然接受該缺點:Sihombing & Wilkinson A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (第2版)第5章第264-265頁。另見 Defect in title; Good root of title; Marketable title。




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