

单词 Intention to permanently deprive
释义 永久地剝奪的意圖
An element of the offence of theft: Chan Man Shing v R [1968] HKLR 445. If a person takes the property of another, without the latter’s consent or with consent vitiated by force, and pawns it, a jury or judge of fact can properly infer the intent necessary to establish the offence of larceny: Chan Man Shing v R, supra. This common law principle is enshrined in legislation and has been applied in many cases. A person appropriating property belonging to another without meaning the other permanently to lose the thing itself is nevertheless to be regarded as having the intention of permanently depriving the other of it if his intention is to treat the thing as his own to dispose of regardless of the other’s rights: R v Leung Wing Hong [1993] 2 HKCLR 149 (HC); HKSAR v Ma Pui Ying [1998] 1 HKLRD 41 (CA). A borrowing or lending of it may amount to so treating if, but only if, the borrowing or lending of it is for a period and in circumstances making it equivalent to an outright taking or disposal. Where a person, having possession or control (lawfully or not) of property belonging to another, parts with the property under a condition as to its return which he may not be able to perform, this (if done for purposes of his own and without the other’s authority) amounts to treating the property as his own to dispose of regardless of the other’s rights: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 7. See also Larceny.
盜竊罪的一項元素:Chan Man Shing v R [1968] HKLR 445。如某人在沒有另一人的同意或以武力使該另一人的同意無效的情況下,取得該另一人的財產,並將之典當,則作為事實裁斷者的陪審團或法官可從中適當地推斷出一項意圖,該項意圖對確立普通法的盜竊罪是必需的:Chan Man Shing v R, 見上文。此普通法原則獲置於法例中,並獲應用於大量案件中。任何人挪佔屬於另一人的財產,雖無意使該另一人永久地失去該東西,但如他不顧該另一人的權利而意圖將該東西視為自己的東西處置,則仍須視為意圖永久地剝奪他人財產:R v Leung Wing Hong [1993] 2 HKCLR 149(高等法院);HKSAR v Ma Pui Ying [1998] 1 HKLRD 41(上訴法院)。如該財產是借入或借出的,而借入或借出的期間及情況相等於將該財產徹底取走或處置,如果是並僅如果是如此,則如此借入或借出該財產,亦可相當於不顧另一人的權利而將該財產視為自己的財產處置。凡任何人管有或控制(不論是否合法地管有或控制)屬於另一人的財產,而為他自己的目的及未得該另一人授權,在未必能履行將該財產歸還的條件下放棄該財產,即相當於不顧該另一人的權利而將財產視為自己的財產處置:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第7條。另見 Larceny。




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