

单词 Sovereign immunity
释义 主權豁免
The international legal doctrine that foreign sovereign states and their governmental authorities are immune from the jurisdiction of municipal courts. The rationale for the doctrine is that if courts of one sovereign state were to assert jurisdiction over another sovereign state’s activities, this would conflict with the sovereign equality and independence of states: for example The Porto Alexandre [1920] P 30. The extent of sovereign immunity varies appreciably, and customarily covers only governmental or public activities pertaining to administration, not private acts or commercial activities: Trendtex Trading Corp v Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] 1 QB 529. A foreign government is not entitled to claim sovereign immunity in cases where an action in rem is brought against a vessel owned by that government if the vessel was being used, either by the government itself or by a third party, for trading purposes and not for the public service: The Owners of the Ship ‘Philippine Admiral’ v Wallem Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd & Anor [1976] HKLR 512 (PC). See also Sovereign state; Sovereignty.
指外國主權國家及其政府當局,就國內法庭的司法管轄權具豁免權的國際法律原則。這項原則的根本原因為,一主權國的法庭就另一主權國的活動主張司法管轄權,會與國家的主權平等及獨立原則相衝突:例如:The Porto Alexandre [1920] P 30。主權豁免的範圍明顯的不一樣,而在慣例上只包含政府的或與行政有關的公眾活動,而非私人或商業性質的活動:Trendtex Trading Corp v Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] 1 QB 529。 一個外國政府,就針對政府所擁有的,由政府自己或第三者為貿易目的,而非公眾服務使用的船隻提出的對物訴訟,沒有主權豁免申索權:The Owners of the Ship ‘Philippine Admiral’ v Wallem Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd & Anor [1976] HKLR 512 (樞密院)。另見 Sovereign state; Sovereignty。




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