

单词 Sale of land
释义 土地售賣
A disposition of land, or an interest in land for consideration. In Hong Kong, land is alienated by government by way of leasehold grant. The main types of contract for the sale of land in Hong Kong include: (1) Conditions of Sale, which is made between the Hong Kong Government and the Government lessee; (2) the contract of secondary sales where the Government lessee sells his land, or more correctly assigns his leasehold, to a purchaser. In general the vendor must show and give good title, although the parties may limit the vendor’s obligation by the terms of the contract: Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd [1999] 2 HKC 507, 4 HKC 707 (CFA). The purchaser may waive his right to object to the vendor’s title: Regent Summit (HK) Ltd v Smart Business (Asia) Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 718. A contract for the sale of land may be made either by private agreement between the parties or by public auction (Sale of Land by Auction Ordinance (Cap 27)).
土地的處置,或有代價的土地權益處置。在香港,土地以批租權益作出讓與。合約的主要類別有:(1) 賣地條件,即由香港政府及政府土地承租人之間所簽訂者;(2) 第二次售賣的合約,凡政府土地承租人賣出其土地,或更確切來說,向買家轉讓其批租權益。概括而言,儘管雙方可藉合約的條款限制賣方的義務,賣方須證明並給予妥善的業權:Jumbo King Ltd v Faithful Properties Ltd [1999] 2 HKC 507, 4 HKC 707 (終審法院)。買方可放棄反對賣方業權的權利:Regent Summit (HK) Ltd v Smart Business (Asia) Ltd [1998] 2 HKC 718。土地售賣合約可以私人協議或公開投標作出 (《土地拍賣條例》(第27章))。




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