

单词 Lands Tribunal
释义 土地審裁處
In Hong Kong, a tribunal established under the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17) as a court of record, and consists of a president, presiding officers and such other members as may be appointed by the Chief Executive. It has the jurisdiction to determine the amount of compensation payable by the Government in respect of any claim or appeal submitted to it under the Ordinances scheduled to the Lands Tribunal Ordinance, ie Lands Resumption Ordinance (Cap 124) and Land Acquisition (Possessory Title) Ordinance (Cap 130). The tribunal also has the jurisdiction to determine the amount of compensation payable by the Government in respect of any claim submitted to it under an Ordinance other than the above scheduled Ordinances, if the claim relates to compulsory acquisition of land or any interest therein, extinguishment or variation of any rights pertaining to the land, the creation of any easements in, over or under any land, or the authorisation of any undertaking affecting any land or any interest therein. In the circumstances, the claim must be submitted by agreement by or on behalf of the Government and the claimant: Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17) s 8(2). The tribunal has the same jurisdiction to grant remedies and reliefs, equitable or legal, as the Court of First Instance. It may also transfer the proceedings to the Court of First Instance or District Court: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, 2001 Reissue, Land [230.0990]-[230.0991].
在香港根據《土地審裁處條例》(第17章)設立的審裁處,土地審裁處是一所紀錄法庭,由庭長、法官及其他可能由行政長官委任的成員組成。土地審裁處具有司法管轄權,可就根據《土地審裁處條例》附表內指明的條例(即《收回土地條例》(第124章)和《土地徵用(管有業權)條例》(第130章)。而呈交審裁處的申索,釐定政府所須支付的補償額。如屬以下情況,審裁處具有司法管轄權,可就根據附表內指明的條例以外的條例而呈交審裁處的申索,釐定政府所須支付的補償額,即強制徵用土地或土地權益,終絕或更改附屬於土地的權利,設立土地的地役權或其上或其下的地役權,或對影響土地或土地的權益的業務作出批准。在有關情況下,申索是在政府及申索人雙方達成協議,或有人代表政府及申索人雙方達成協議的情況下,呈交審裁處裁定者:《土地審裁處條例》(第17章)第8(2)條。審裁處具有授予衡平法或普通法的補救及濟助等,與原訟法庭所具有的相同之司法管轄權。亦可將有關的訴訟程序轉移至原訟法庭或地方法院: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊(2001年再發行),土地,第[230.0990]至[230.0991]段。




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