

单词 Gift
释义 饋贈
A voluntary transfer of property made without consideration: Berry v Warnett (Inspector of Taxes) [1980] 3 All ER 789, [1981] 1 WLR 1 (CA). The consideration may be so small that a nominal purchase may be deemed as a gift or voluntary settlement: Howard v Earl of Shrewsbury (1867) 2 Ch App 760 (CA). To be valid, there must be: an intention to transfer the property; acts (such as physical delivery) which give effect to that intention; no obligation on the donor to make the transfer; and no return to the donor of material advantage: Leary v FCT (1980) 32 ALR 221. As there cannot be a gift without a giving and taking, these being the two reciprocal acts which constitute a gift, so it is necessary that the donor should be competent to give and the donee should be competent to receive what is intended to be given: Halsbury’s Laws of England, Vol 20, 4th Ed Reissue, p 3, para 2. See also Consideration; Deed of gift; Donee; Donor; Gift inter vivos; Gratuity; Volunteer.
在沒有任何代價的情況下,作出自願性的財產轉移:Berry v Warnett (Inspector of Taxes) [1980] 3 All ER 789, [1981] 1 WLR 1(芵國上訴法院)。可視小量代價(例如名義上的購買)為饋贈或無償授產安排:Howard v Earl of Shrewsbury (1867) 2 Ch App 760 (芵國上訴法院)。如擬使饋贈有效,則必須具備下列條件:轉移財產的意圖;使該意圖具有效力的作為(實際上的交付);但該贈與人沒有轉移財產的義務;而該贈與人沒有任何重大利益的回報:Leary v FCT (1980) 32 ALR 221。由於饋贈不可能在沒有給予與收取(此兩項是構成饋贈的互惠作為)的情況下存在,所以贈與人必須有足夠能力付出,而該受贈人須有足夠能力收取贈與人意圖給予的饋贈:Halsbury’s Laws of England, 第20冊,第4冊(再發行)第3頁第2段。另見 Consideration; Deed of gift; Donee; Donor; Gift inter vivos; Gratuity; Volunteer。n.




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