

单词 Alien enemy
释义 外藉敵人
A person (irrespective of nationality) who voluntarily resides in or carries on business in the enemy’s country or in a country within the effective control of the enemy: Porter v Freudenberg [1914-1915] All ER Rep 918, [1915] 1 KB 857 (CA). A subject voluntarily residing in enemy territory is an alien enemy: Porter v Freudenberg, supra. An alien enemy has no contractual capacity during wartime. A contract entered into with such a person is illegal unless authorised by the government: Trading with the Enemy Ordinance (Cap 346) s 4. See also Alien; Capacity; Enemy.
自願於敵方國家居住或經營業務,或於一個國家實際上受敵方國家控制的人(不論國藉):Porter v Freudenberg [1914-1915] All ER Rep 918, [1915] 1 KB 857(英國上訴法院)。自願居住在敵方領土的公民屬外藉敵人:Porter v Freudenberg, 見上文。外藉敵人於戰時並無合約上的身份。與該人締結的合約則屬違法,除非獲得政府授權:《與敵貿易條例》(第346章)第4條。另見 Alien; Capacity; Enemy。




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