

单词 Tourist attraction
释义 旅遊勝地

Premises that attract tourists because of the facilities and activities that they present. The Hong Kong Tourism Board Ordinance established an association known as the Hong Kong Tourism Board, one of the objects of which is to secure publicity outside Hong Kong for the tourist attractions of Hong Kong: Hong Kong Tourism Board Ordinance (Cap 302) s 4. See also Tourist.
籍有關的設施及提供的活動吸引遊客的處所。《香港旅遊發展局條例》設立名稱為香港旅遊發展局的團體,發展局的其中一個宗旨在於確保在香港以外的地方宣傳香港的旅遊勝地:《香港旅遊發展局條例》(第302章)第4條。另見 Tourist。





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