

单词 Right of passage
释义 通過權
The right of a member of the public to pass along a public road (whether on foot, in a vehicle, or otherwise) and drive stock or other animals along the public road, subject to any statutory restrictions, such as those relating to traffic control or the cultivation of enclosed roads. See also Right of way.
Foreign relation - A rule of customary international law allowing for nationals to cross the territory of another to reach the sea or their own territory from which they are separated. The position is generally governed by treaties establishing a framework for bilateral or regional agreements to be made between the parties: Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit 1921; Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked Countries 1965; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 125. Also known as ‘right of transit’. See also Customary international law; Treaty.
公眾通過公路的權利(無論是以腳步行,車輛或其他方式)及在公路駕駛運載貨物或其他動物;受制於任何法例上的限制,例如關於交通管制或圍封道路。另見 Right of way。
外交 -   國際慣例法的規則,允許一國的國民越過另一個國家的領土以到達海洋或抵達他們已與分離的自己的領土。一個國家所採取的政策,一般由各方為設定架構而要作出的雙邊或地區協議所規管:《1921 年過境自由公約及規約》;《1965年內地國家轉口貿易公約》;《1982年聯合國法洋公約》第125條。另稱「過境權」。另見 Customary international law; Treaty。




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