

单词 Recent complaint
释义 最近的申訴
In sexual offences, such as indecent assault or rape, a complaint made at the first reasonable opportunity after the offence. It is a supporting evidence to show the complainant’s consistency and to negative consent. The recipient of the evidence must also give evidence. The doctrine of recent complaint is itself an exception to the even more significant doctrine that evidence of previous consistent statements are not permitted, whether of prosecution witnesses or defence witnesses and the defendant himself: HKSAR v Li Kam Shing (CACC 153/2004, unreported). The judge has discretion to admit it or exclude it. The general principle underlying this exception is that the nature of the offence is such that some complaint might be expected and it might be expected to be made soon after the event, but not necessarily to the first person to be encountered: Cross & Tapper on Evidence (9th Ed) p 276. What is the first reasonable opportunity will depend on the circumstances including the character of the complainant and the relationship between the complainant and the person to whom she complained and the persons to whom she might have complained but did not do so. It is enough if it is the first reasonable opportunity. A recent complaint has to be made within a reasonable time of the offence and on the first occasion that reasonably offered itself for the complainant concerned to make the complaint that was made in the terms in which it was made: R v Valentine [1996] 2 Cr App R 213; HKSAR v Hung Wai Tak [2000] 4 HKC 641. The law does not strictly confine a recent complaint to one made at the very first opportunity. Suffice it for a recent complaint to be made at an opportunity which reasonably first presents itself after an offence. Naturally, the availability of a person regarded by a victim as a proper person for making a complaint is material. It is a factor to be taken into account for testing the reasonableness or otherwise of the time within which a recent complaint was made: R v Chan Bing For [1997] 2 HKC 205 (CA). See also Indecent assault; Rape.
就性罪行而言,指在猥褻侵犯或強姦等有關罪行發生後,在第一合理機會的情況下作出的申訴。最近的申索是證明申訴人前後一致、及否定給予同意的支持證據。有關證據的接受者亦須給予證據。最近的申訴原則本身是更為最要的原則的例外情況,即不許可過往相符的陳述證述(不論是控方的證人或辯方證人以及被告人本身):HKSAR v Li Kam Shing(刑事上訴2004年第153號,未經彙報)。法官有酌情決定權予以接納或排除。構成此等例外情況的一般原則是,有關罪行的性質是可預期有若干申訴,並可預期在有關事情發生後不久後提出,但無須是向首名遇到的人提出的:Cross & Tapper on Evidence (9th Ed) p 276。第一合理機會的涵義會取決於有關情況,包括申訴人的性格,申訴人和她向其申訴的人的關係、以及她可能經已向其申訴、但沒有如此作出的人的關係。如屬第一合理的機會,則已足夠。須在有關罪行發生後的合理時間內提出最近的申訴,以及在有關申索人的第一合理情況下提出申訴:R v Valentine [1996] 2 Cr App R 213; HKSAR v Hung Wai Tak [2000] 4 HKC 641。有關法律並沒有嚴格限制須在最先的機會下提出最近的申訴。如最近的申訴是在有關罪行發生後的第一合理機會下提出的,則已足夠。被受害者視為提出申索的適當的人的可行性自然具關鍵性。須顧及測試合理性的因素,或在其他情況下,顧及提出最近的申索的時間:R v Chan Bing For [1997] 2 HKC 205 (上訴法庭)。另見 Indecent assault; Rape。




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