

单词 Harbour
释义 海港
1.A place to shelter ships from the violence of the sea, and where ships were brought for commercial purposes to load and unload goods. The quays were a necessary part of the harbour: R v Hannam (1885) 2 TLR. 234. A harbour may be public or private; the public must have access to a public harbour as a harbour and use it for that purpose: A-G for the Dominion of Canada & Ors v Ritchie Contracting & Supply Co Ltd & Ors [1919] AC 999 (PC). 2. The waters of Hong Kong within the boundaries: on the east – a straight line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Siu Chau Wan Point to the westernmost extremity of Ah Kung Ngam Point (sometimes known as Kung Am) and on the west - a straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Island of Hong Kong to the westernmost point of Green Island, thence a straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Green Island to the south-easternmost point of Tsing Yi, thence along the eastern and northern coast lines of Tsing Yi to the westernmost extremity of Tsing Yi and thence a straight line drawn true north therefrom to the mainland: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) sch 3. The harbour is to be protected and preserved as a special public asset and a natural heritage of Hong Kong people, and for that purpose there shall be a presumption against reclamation in the harbour: Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (Cap 531) s 3. Its legal effect is not to impose an absolute bar against any reclamation. It does not prohibit reclamation altogether; as a presumption, it is capable of being rebutted. The presumption must be interpreted in such a way that it can only be rebutted by establishing an overriding public need for reclamation. Irreversible loss to the extent of the reclamation would only be justified where there is a much stronger public need to override the statutory principle of protection and preservation; accordingly an ‘overriding public need’ test has been set: Town Planning Board v Society for the Protection of the Harbour Ltd (FACV 14/2003, unreported). See also Customs duty; Marina; Port.
1.海港是使船隻免受海浪侵襲的地方,而就商業用途而言,海港是讓船隻裝卸貨物的地方。碼頭是構成海港的必要部分:R v Hannam (1885) 2 TLR. 234。海港可分為公眾海港和私人海港;公眾海港必須開放予公眾人士以海港的用途使用有關海港:A-G for the Dominion of Canada & Ors v Ritchie Contracting & Supply Co Ltd & Ors [1919] AC 999(樞密院)。  2.在界線之內香港的水域:東面界線 ─ 由小酒灣尖最西端起,畫一直線至阿公岩尖(有時稱為公岩)最西端為止;西面界線 - 由香港島最西之點起,畫一直線至青洲最西之點,然後由該點畫一直線至青衣島最東南之點,再沿青衣島東海岸線及北海岸線畫至青衣島最西端,續由該處以直線向正北畫至大陸:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。海港須作為香港人的特別公有資產和天然財產而受到保護和保存,而為此目的,現設定一個不准許進行海港填海工程的推定:保護海港條例(第531章)第3條。此等條文的法律效力並非絕對禁止任何填海工程。此等條文並非禁止所有填海工程,而是推定可予以反駁的。必須詮釋此條文為僅在可證明有凌駕性的公眾需求的情況下,才可准予有關的填海工程。僅在有更強而有力的公眾需求以推翻法定的保護及保存原則的情況下,才可證明填海工程帶來的不能逆轉損失為正當;因而相應地確立了凌駕性的公眾需求的驗證:Town Planning Board v Society for the Protection of the Harbour Ltd(終院民事上訴2003年第14號,未經彙報)。另見 Customs duty; Marina; Port。n.




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