

单词 Bank for International Settlements
释义 國際結算銀行
Abbr – BIS. It was established in Basel, Switzerland in 1930 and is often referred to as the central bank of the central banks. Its original functions were to regulate and promote co-operation between central banks, maintain the gold standard and solve German reparation problems. In the post-war period, it acted as an agent for intra-European payments and for the European Payments Union. It also assisted developing countries in debt crises by co-ordinating central bank bridging loans. In July 1988, it introduced the capital adequacy guidelines setting the minimum requirements on the level of capital to be held by banks against their net risk assets for banks in all member countries. In recent years, the major function of BIS is to develop and introduce guidelines in a variety of areas of the banking systems worldwide. It also acts as an agent for the European Monetary System and undertakes the private clearing and settlements system for the European Currency Unit. See also Capital adequacy guidelines.
英文簡稱-BIS。國際結算銀行於1930年在瑞士的巴塞爾成立,常被稱為中央銀行中的中央銀行。國際結算銀行最初的功能是規管及促進中央銀行之間的合作,保持金本位制及解決德國復元的問題。在戰後期間,國際結算銀行擔任歐洲內銀行之間交收的代理人,及作為歐洲交收聯盟的代理人。另外,也協助發展中國家解決債務危機,為這些國家統籌中央銀行的過渡性貸款。1988年7月,國際結算銀行推行資金充裕額準則,定出所有會員國銀行應基於銀行本身的凈風險資產而應持有的資金數額水平的最低要求。國際結算銀行近年的主要功能是在全世界發展及介紹銀行制度不同範疇的指引。並擔任歐洲貨幣體系的代理人,及為歐元單位負責非官方結算和交收系統的運作。另見 Capital adequacy guidelines。




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