

单词 Bank money
释义 銀行貨幣資產
An amount of credit a bank extends to a customer in excess of what is available to it in cash. When a bank permits its customers the right to draw cheques much in excess of the amount of cash actually held by it, it is creating money. Bank money consists of no more than figures in the bank’s ledgers; nevertheless it is real money and acceptable credit because of the public confidence in the ability of the bank to honour its liabilities when called upon to do so. See also Bank; Credit; Loan; Money.
如規定銀行須按本身總存款量或銀行給客戶的貸款額,持有僅超逾銀行實際的現金額的數額部分,作為持有的儲備;則銀行須因而產生的一筆存款額。銀行貨幣資產只是銀行帳簿上的數字,但屬於銀行實際的款項及可接受的貸款。另見 Bank; Credit; Loan; Money。




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