

单词 Notice to quit
释义 遷出通知書
A tenancy from year to year is determinable by notice to quit. In the absence of special stipulation or of special custom or statute, a yearly tenancy may be determined by a half-year’s notice (Law See Chun v Yu Kin Keung [1995] 2 HKDCLR 65), expiring at the end of some year of the tenancy. Where there is a term specifying the length of notice required, that notice must be given so as to expire at the end of some year of tenancy: Lai Mai Yu v A-G [1977] HKLR 382. A notice to quit must be given by an existing landlord to an existing tenant: Lower v Sorrell [1962] 3 All ER 1074, [1963] 1 QB 959. If a provision of the tenancy purports wholly to deprive a party of the right to end the tenancy by notice to quit, that provision is void for repugnancy: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v London Residuary Body [1992] 2 AC 386, 3 All ER 504. Where a tenancy is for a year or years certain and thereafter from year to year, notice to quit cannot, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, be given so as to determine the tenancy at the end of the fixed term: Re Searle, Brooke v Searle [1912] 1 Ch 610; Re Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank’s Lease, W Davis & Son v Lancashire and Yorkshire Banl [1914] 1 Ch 522. The effect of a term that the tenancy is to be determinable ‘at any time’ by notice of a certain length is that the notice may be given for any date, notwithstanding that the date is not an anniversary of the commencement of the tenancy or a quarter day: Soames v Nicholson [1902] 1 KB 157. Once a valid notice to quit is duly served, the tenancy is terminated. Payment of rent even if demanded and accepted thereafter cannot revive the tenancy: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Landlord and Tenant [235.164]. See also Fixed term tenancy agreement; Periodic tenancy; Security of tenure.
按年計算的租賃可以遷出通知書作為終結。在沒有特別指定條款、特別習慣或法規的情況下,一年期的租賃可由半年通知書作為終結 (Law See Chun v Yu Kin Keung [1995] 2 HKDCLR 65) ,該通知書須在租賃年度終結時屆滿。當租賃中有條款指明終止租賃所需的通知期,該通知書須當作在租賃年度終結時作出:Lai Mai Yu v A-G [1977] HKLR 382。遷出通知書須由現有的業主向現有的承租人發出:Lower v Sorrell [1962] 3 All ER 1074, [1963] 1 QB 959。如租賃中的條文完全宣稱可以遷出通知書剝奪終止租賃權利的一方,該條文可因牴觸而無效:Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v London Residuary Body [1992] 2 AC 386, 3 All ER 504。如果租賃期是一年,或特定的年期及年後的下一年度,除非有相反的指定條款,否則不得以給予遷出通知書而在固定期限屆滿後終止租賃:Re Searle, Brooke v Searle [1912] 1 Ch 610; Re Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank’s Lease, W Davis & Son v Lancashire and Yorkshire Banl [1914] 1 Ch 522。租賃可由特定期限的通知書在 “任何時候” 作終結的條款是指通知書可在任何日期發出,不論該日期是否租賃開始的周年日或季度結帳日:Soames v Nicholson [1902] 1 KB 157。一旦有效的遷出通知書已被妥為送達,該租賃即被終止。即使是被要求及被接受租金繳付,亦無法恢復租賃:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第17冊,業主與租客,第[235.164]段。另見 Fixed term tenancy agreement; Periodic tenancy; Security of tenure。




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