

单词 Arbitral power
释义 仲裁權力
An arbitration agreement between the parties to a dispute confers on the arbitrator the power to make an award upon the conclusion of the proceedings; but the arbitrator’s powers therein cannot exceed those of a judge: Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [1923] 2 KB 202. However, an arbitrator’s award, unless agreed upon otherwise by the parties, is final and legally enforceable: Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341) s 18. See also Arbitrator; Separation of powers.
爭議各方之間的仲裁協議賦予仲裁員在仲裁完結時作出裁決的權力;但協議中仲裁員的權力不得比法官的大:Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [1923] 2 KB 202。但除非仲裁協議另有議定,否則仲裁員所作的裁決為最終裁定及具法律約束力:《仲裁條例》(第341章)第18條。另見 Arbitrator; Separation of powers。




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