

单词 Diplomatic pouch
释义 外交郵袋
The diplomatic mail bag through which a foreign diplomatic mission and the foreign ministry of the sending state exchange their official correspondence. A diplomatic pouch travels internationally without interruption or inspection by the customs department of any state, including the receiving state. It is always sealed, with the official seal displayed making it inviolable. It must be accompanied by an attached document indicating the number of packages it contains and its destination: Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 art 27. The requirement is recognised in the People’s Republic of China in the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (5 September 1986) art 10 (made applicable to the Hong Kong SAR pursuant to promulgation by the Chief Executive under the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China (4 April 1990) art 18 (Promulgation of National Laws 1997 (LN 379 of 1997)). Also known as a ‘diplomatic bag’. See also Diplomat; Diplomatic agent.
外交使節團和派遣國外交部之間傳遞公文所用的外交郵袋。外交郵袋在國際運輸途中不受任何國家海關(包括接受國)的干涉或在內的檢查。郵袋通常以官方封條展示密封,這可使其不受侵犯。郵袋須附有指明載有物品的數目和目的地的文件:《1961年維也納外交關係公約》第27條。該公約憑藉《中華人民共和國外交特權與豁免條例》(1986年9月5日)第10條得以在中華人民共和國獲確認(由行政長官根據《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》(1990年4月4日)第18條公布在香港生效(1997年全國性法律公布  (LN 379 of 1997))。另稱「外交信袋」。另見 Diplomat; Diplomatic agent。




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