

单词 Loaded firearm
释义 上膛槍械
A gun, pistol or other firearm loaded in the barrel with an explosive substance and bullet, shot or other destructive material. Loaded arms must be arms which are capable of being discharged and includes arms which are partly loaded: R v Baker (1843) 1 Car & Kir 254, 1 Cox CC 45. Attempting to discharge any kind of loaded arms at any person (by drawing a trigger or in any other manner) with intent to commit murder is a statutory offence of attempted murder: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 13 (c). See also Firearm; Missile.
任何槍枝、手槍或其他槍械,如槍膛裝上爆炸品及子彈,或射彈或其他破壞性物料。上膛槍械必須為可發射的槍械,並包括部分上膛的槍械:R v Baker (1843) 1 Car & Kir 254, 1 Cox CC 45。任何人意圖謀殺而企圖用上膛槍械向任何人發射(拉動扳機或以任何其他方式),則屬意圖謀殺的法定罪行:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第13條(c)。另見 Firearm; Missile。




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