

单词 Voluntary services
释义 義務服務
1. Assistance or service to a person provided gratuitously by another. At common law, a plaintiff suffering injuries from a defendant’s negligence may recover damages in respect of a need for assistance even where it has been or will be voluntarily provided by another: Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po [1985] 1 HKC 391. Damages will be assessed by reference to the market cost of providing the services: Wong Chi-On v Yuen Tim-Fat [1977] HKLR 138. 2. In relation to an election, any service provided free of charge to or in respect of a candidate or candidates at an election by a natural person, voluntarily and personally, in the person’s own time for the purpose of promoting the election of the candidate or candidates; or prejudicing the election of another candidate or other candidates: Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554) s 2(1). Also known as ‘gratuitous services’. See also Domestic care; Election.
1.由某人提供予另一人的無償援助或服務。在普通法上,如原告人因被告人的疏忽而蒙受損害,即使該原告人曾經或將會由他人自願地提供協助,仍可就欠缺協助而追討損害賠償:Tang Siu Kit v Lam Po [1985] 1 HKC 391。評估損害賠償時,會參考提供該服務的市價:Wong Chi On v Yuen Tim Fat [1977] HKLR 138。  2.就選舉而言,任何自然人為以下目的在其私人時間自願親自免費向某項選舉的一名或多於一名候選人提供或就某項選舉的一名或多於一名候選人而提供的任何服務:促使該候選人或該等候選人當選;或阻礙另一名候選人或另一些候選人當選:《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第554章)第2(1)條。另稱「無償服務」。另見 Domestic care; Election。




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