

单词 Voluntary transfer
释义 無償轉讓
A transfer of land for which no consideration has moved from the transferee: for example, Shiu Wing Ltd & Ors v Cmr of Estate Duty [2000] 3 HKLRD 76. In order to render a voluntary transfer or settlement valid and effectual, the donor or settlor must have done everything which, according to the nature of the property comprised in the transfer or settlement, was necessary to be done to transfer the property, and to render the transfer or settlement binding on him; in relation to a trust this is effected when he actually transfers his own interest in the property to the donee or to trustees for the donee. Equity does not treat an imperfect gift: Re Wale, Wale v Hams [1956] 3 All ER 280, 1 WLR 1346. See also Assignment; Volunteer.
在承讓人無付出代價的情況下所作出的土地轉讓:例如,Shiu Wing Ltd & Ors v Cmr of EstateDuty [2000] 3 HKLRD 76。為使無償轉讓或授產安排有效及有作用,贈與人或財產授予人必須根據該轉讓或授產安排所包含的財產的性質,為以下目的作出一切需要作出的事項:轉讓該財產,及致使該轉讓或授產安排對贈與人或財產授予人產生約束力;就信託而言,當該贈與人或財產授予人實際地向受贈人或受託人轉移其本人在該財產中的權益時,方為完成無償轉讓或授產安排。衡平法並不處置不完整的贈與:Re Wale, Wale v Hams [1956] 3 All ER 280, [1956] 1 WLR 1346。另見 Assignment; Volunteer。




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