

单词 Locus of crime
释义 犯罪的地方

The place where the crime was committed. The locus of crime generally determines jurisdiction to try the offence. The traditional approach of the law, based on the common law, is that generally only conduct which is a criminal offence against the law of Hong Kong and occurs within the territorial limits of Hong Kong may be tried in the courts of Hong Kong: R v Oliphant [1905] 2 KB 67 (CCR). The common law is usually not concerned with crimes committed outside Hong Kong because the criminal law has been developed to protect the local community and not that of other places which must be left to make and enforce such laws as they find fit to protect their own societies: Liangsiriprasert v Government of the United States of America [1990] 2 HKLR 612, 2 All ER 866 (PC). However, where an offence is created by statute and the legislature expresses itself in general terms, it has been suggested that there is no reason to limit the extra- territorial effect of that legislation where the conduct abroad had an effect in the jurisdiction unless, consistent with international comity, such conduct can and should be dealt with by another country: R v Cheung Hay Din [1991] 1 HKC 250. Thus, an attempt outside Hong Kong to commit a crime whose result is in Hong Kong and a conspiracy to commit a crime aimed at Hong Kong is justiciable in Hong Kong: R v Latif and Shazad [1996] 1 All ER 353, 2 Cr App Rep 92 (HL). See also Plea to the jurisdiction; Terminatory theory.
犯法的地方。犯罪的地方通常會決定審理有關罪行的司法管轄區。根據普通法,傳統的處理方式一般是,僅有觸犯香港法律的刑事罪行、以及在香港領土範圍內發生的的行為,才可在香港法庭審理:R v Oliphant [1905] 2 KB 67(刑事法院)。普通法通常不會顧及在香港以外的地方觸犯的罪行,因為刑法的發展是為保障本地的社會,而非其他地方,其他地方須可制定及執行此等他們認為適合保障其本身社會的法律:Liangsiriprasert v Government of the United States of America [1990] 2 HKLR 612, 2 All ER 866(樞密院)。但如罪行是由法規訂立的、而立法機構僅概括述明,則認為如在國外作出的行為在有關的司法管轄範圍具有效力,則沒有限制該等法例的境外效力的理由,除非是符合國際禮讓的,則此等行為可由及應由另一國處理:R v Cheung Hay Din [1991] 1 HKC 250。因此,在香港以外的地方企圖犯罪而結果是在香港發生的罪行、以及目的在香港犯罪的犯罪陰謀可在香港審理:R v Latif and Shazad [1996] 1 All ER 353, 2 Cr App Rep 92(上議院)。另見 Plea to the jurisdiction; Terminatory theory。





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