

单词 Plead over
释义 答辯選擇
The right to plead not guilty in addition to any special plea regardless of the classification of the offence, in respect of the charge or charges in the information, indictment, or presentment: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 51(1)(a). The rule applies with equal force to multi-count indictments: s 51(6). Where a special plea has been determined against an accused person, he or she is required to plead over. See also Special plea.

任何人就告發、公訴書或控訴狀而被提控,則不論該控罪或該些控罪的類別,他除可作出任何特別答辯外,還有權作出不認罪的答辯;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第51(1)(a)條。此規則就多項罪名的公訴具同等效力:第51(6)條。凡就特別答辯已針對被控人作出裁決者,被控人須作答辯選擇。另見 Special plea。





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