

单词 Plea in discharge of the indictment
释义 表明訴訟原因已排除的答辯
A plea of guilty by an accused person to an alternative count in an indictment, or presentment, or to an offence which although not charged is an available alternative to the offence which is charged, which is accepted by the prosecution in full satisfaction of the count charged in the indictment. For example, a defendant may plead guilty to manslaughter when facing the charge of murder: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 51(1)(b). In such a case, the prosecution does not proceed on the more serious charge in the indictment or presentment and the accused is sentenced for the offence to which the plea of guilty was entered. However, the prosecution may refuse to accept such a plea and approval of the trial judge must be obtained: R v Coward (1979) 70 Cr App Rep 70 (CA); R v Wong Yu Hoi [1961] HKLR 425. Upon refusal of a plea to a lesser charge and in the event that the defendant is acquitted at the end of the trial, the court cannot accept the plea of guilty to that lesser charge: R v Hazeltine [1967] 2 QB 857. The plea, being rejected, does not amount to an admission of the facts constituting the lesser offence: R v Fung Wai Chung [1989] 1 HKC 518. See also Abuse of process; Alternative count; Common law.
被控人對公訴書、控訴狀上的交替罪名作出認罪,或被控人對沒有被控的罪行作出認罪;情形是,被控人雖然沒有就罪行被控,但該罪行卻是已被控的罪行的交替可控罪行,且又是控方可完全接納為代替公訴書上的罪行者。舉例,被告人當被控謀殺時,可承認誤殺:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第51(1)(b)條 。在該種情況下,檢控不會就公訴書、控訴狀的更嚴重罪行進行下去,被控人會就已承認的罪行被宣判。然而,控方可向主審法官取得批准而拒絕接受該項對控罪的回答:R v Coward (1979) 70 Cr App Rep 70 (英國上訴法院); R v Wong Yu Hoi [1961] HKLR 425。在拒絕接受對輕一級罪行的控罪回答後,如被告人在審判後獲裁定無罪,法庭不能重新接受對輕一級罪行的控罪回答:R v Hazeltine [1967] 2 QB 857。被拒絕接納的對控罪回答,不等於承認構成輕一級罪行的事實:R v Fung Wai Chung [1989] 1 HKC 518。另見 Abuse of process; Alternative count; Common law。




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