

单词 Pleasure vessel
释义 遊樂船隻
Any launch, yacht, inflatable vessel, junk, lorcha or other vessel that (a) has an engine installed in it or carried on it, or is designed to have an engine installed in it or carried on it, whereby the vessel may be propelled by mechanical means; (b) is possessed or used exclusively for pleasure purposes; and (c) is not let for hire or reward other than under the terms of a charter agreement or hire purchase agreement; but does not include any launch, yacht, inflatable vessel, junk, lorcha or other vessel that has never been launched: Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Vessels) Regulations (Cap 313G) reg 2(1). Pleasure craft is not consumer goods within the meaning of ‘consumer goods’: Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance (Cap 456) s 2, sch. Any vessel possessed or used for pleasure purpose, ie pleasure vessel, is exempted from compulsory pilotage: Shipping and Port Control Ordinance (Cap 313) s 25(1). See also Ship; Vessel.
指符合以下條件的小輪、私人遊艇、充氣式船隻、中式帆船、西式中國帆船或其他船隻:(a) 已裝設或載有引擎,或設計為可裝設或載有引擎,藉以使該船隻能靠機械設備推進;(b) 純為遊樂而管有或使用的;及(c) 並非為收取租金或報酬而出租的;但不包括從未下水的小輪、私人遊艇、充氣式船隻、中式帆船、西式中國帆船或其他船隻:《商船(遊樂船隻)規例 》(第313G章)第2(1)條。遊樂船隻不屬《消費品安全條例 》(第456章)第2條附表定義的消費品。管有或使用作遊樂用途的船隻,即遊樂船隻享受強制領港規限豁免:《船舶及港口管制條例》(第313章)第25(1)條。另見 Ship; Vessel。




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