

单词 Notice to show cause
释义 提出反對因由通知書
A notice given by a person to the court and a tribunal that he intends to give reasons why a decision should not be made against him or some other body; or a notice given by a court or decision-maker to a person informing him of its intention to make a decision and requires that person to give reasons why it should not make such a decision. In an application by a judgment creditor for a charging order, the order is made an order to show cause, unless the court otherwise directs, notice of the order should be served in accordance with the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 50 r 2. In bankruptcy law, a debtor may file a notice with the Official Receiver specifying the grounds on which he intends to show cause against a petition: Bankruptcy Rules (Cap 6A) rr 68, 128, 147.
  由一人向法庭或審裁處作出的通知書,表示他/她意圖提出不應作出對他/她或若干其他機構不利的決定的理由;或由法庭或決策者向一人作出的通知書,以通知他意圖作出有關的決定,及要求該人提出法庭不應作出該等決定的理由。如判定債權人要求就判定債務人的實益權益作出押記令的申請,須作出著令提出反對因由的命令,除非法庭另有指示,否則該命令的通知書須按照《高等法院規則》 (第4A章)第50號命令第2條的方式送達。在碰產法上,債務人可向破產管理署署長提交通知書,指明他擬提出反對呈請的因由的理由:《破產規則》(第6A章) 第68、128及147條。




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