单词 | Notice to admit |
释义 | 承認通知書 In civil proceedings, a notice in which one party to a cause or matter calls upon another party to admit, for the purpose of that cause or matter only, such facts as may be specified in the notice: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 27 r 2(2). Such notice may not be served later than 21 days after the cause or matter is set down for trial: O 27 r 2(1). The purpose of this provision is to save court time and costs by requiring a party to admit facts not in dispute: Baden, Delvaux and Lecuit v Société Générale pour Favoriser le Développement du Commerce et de l’Industrie en France SA [1985] BCLC 258 (CA). Any admission made in pursuance of such a notice must not be used against the party who makes it except in the cause or matter for the purpose for which it was made nor in favour of any person other than the person by whom the notice was given: O 27 r 2(2). See also Admission; Civil proceedings; Costs. 就民事訴訟而言,指一宗訟案或事宜中的任何一方可喚請另一方就該宗訟案或事宜,承認該等在通知書中所指明的事實的通知書:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第27號命令第2(2)條規則。任何一方不可在遲於該宗訟案或事宜已排期審訊後21天,向任何另一方送達一份通知書:第27號命令第2(1)條規則。此條文的目的是通過規定某一方接納沒有爭議的事實,以節省法庭時間及訟費:Baden, Delvaux and Lecuit v Société Générale pour Favoriser le Développement du Commerce et de l’Industrie en France SA [1985] BCLC 258 (上訴法院)。遵從根據本條規則發出的通知書而作出的承認,不得在作出承認所為的訟案或事宜以外的任何訟案或事宜中,用作針對作出該項承認的一方,亦不得為使發出通知書的人以外的任何人受惠而使用:第27號命令第2(2)條規則。另見 Admission; Civil proceedings; Costs。 |
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