

单词 Evidence that relates to matters of the state
释义 與國家的事項有關的證據
Evidence in court proceedings which is connected with the State, the Government or to the public service, such as war plans, matters concerning proper operation of public service, diplomatic communication. Such evidence, whether documentary or oral, which, if disclosed, would be seriously prejudicial to the State, the Government or the public service, may not be given. Also known as ‘Public interest immunity’: Yeung Chik Fook v Lim Ho U (1924) 19 HKLRD 58; Edwards v Almao (No 2) [1957] HKLR 7; Cheung Yan Lung v Yeung Yim Ming [1957] 1 HKLR 233; Chan Lau Sheng v A-G [1968] HKLR 487; Re Au Shui Yuen, Alick [1991] 1 HKLR 525. The admissibility of such evidence is determined by weighing up the interest of the proper and fair administration of justice and the competing interest of the Government in not disclosing the evidence: Conway v Rimmer [1968] AC 910. See also Public interest; Public interest immunity.
指在法庭的法律程序上,與國家、政府或公共服務有關連的證據,例如戰爭計劃、有關妥善實施公共服務的事項和外交通訊。如披露此等證據(不論是文件證據或口頭證據)會嚴重損害國家、政府或公共服務,則不可給予此等證據。另稱「公眾利益豁免權」:Yeung Chik Fook v Lim Ho U (1924) 19 HKLRD 58; Edwards v Almao (No 2) [1957] HKLR 7; Cheung Yan Lung v Yeung Yim Ming [1957] 1 HKLR 233; Chan Lau Sheng v A-G [1968] HKLR 487; Re Au Shui Yuen, Alick [1991] 1 HKLR 525。是否可接納此等證據取決於對適當而公平的司法利益的影響,以及在披露有關證據的情況下,對政府利益的影響:Conway v Rimmer [1968] AC 910。另見 Public interest; Public interest immunity。




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