

单词 Stranger
释义 陌生人
In family law child residence disputes, a person who is not a parent or blood relative of the child but seeks orders in relation to the child: Allen v Allen; Hargreaves (1984) 9 Fam LR 440. Under the Chinese Customary Law following the Manchu Penal Code (Da Qing Lu Li), adoption of strangers who were not of the same lineage was not recognised. This principle is no longer applicable since the introduction of the Adoption Ordinance: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 5. Also, in relation to the custody or upbringing of a minor, and in relation to the administration of any property belonging to or held in trust for a minor or the application of the income of that property, in any proceedings before any court (whether or not it is the Court of First Instance or the District Court), the court must regard the welfare of the minor as the first and paramount consideration and in having such regard must give due consideration to the wishes of the minor if, having regard to the age and understanding of the minor and to the circumstances of the case, it is practicable to do so; and any material information including any report of the Director of Social Welfare available to the court at the hearing: Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13) s 3(1)(a)(i). See also Third party.
在家庭法上,就子女居所的爭議而言,指不屬於有關兒童的父或母或血親,但尋求關於該兒童的命令的人:Allen v Allen; Hargreaves (1984) 9 Fam LR 440。根據繼承大清律例的中國習慣法,領養不屬於相同世系的陌生人不被承認。自引入領養條例後,這原則不再適用:《領養條例》(第290章)第5條。此外,有關未成年人的管養或教養問題,以及有關屬於未成年人或代未成年人託管的財產的管理問題,或從該等財產所獲收益的運用問題,在任何法院進行的法律程序中(不論是原訟法庭或地方法院),法院須以未成年人的福利為首要考慮事項,而考慮此事項時須對下列因素給予適當考慮:(A)未成年人的意願(如在顧及未成年人的年齡及理解力,以及有關個案的情況後,考慮其意願乃屬切實可行者);及(B) 任何關鍵性資料,包括聆訊進行時社會福利署署長備呈法院的任何報告:《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)第3(1)(a)(i)條。 另見 Third party。 n.




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