

单词 Accusatorial system
释义 控告式制度
The common law system of trial which requires one party, usually the plaintiff or prosecution, to collect and adduce evidence to a judge to prove a cause of action or charge against another party. The accusatorial system requires the other party, usually the defendant or accused, to refute or defend only the allegations made by the plaintiff or the prosecution to have the cause of action or charge dismissed. The accusatorial system emphasises the combative nature of the proceedings and is contrasted with the inquisitorial or civil law system used in many European countries. Also known as ‘adversarial system’. See also Adversarial system; Inquisitorial system.
普通法下的審訊制度,原告人或控方須搜集及向法官提出証據,以証明訟因或對另一方的控罪。在控告式制度下,與訟人或被告僅須就原告人或控方提出的指稱作出反駁或辯護,以撤消訟因或控罪。控告式制度著重法律程序中的對抗性質,與很多歐洲國家施行的查訊式或大陸法制度不同。此制度也稱對訟式制度。另見 Adversarial system; Inquisitorial system。




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