

单词 Agent
释义 代理商/代理人
1.In its strict legal sense, a person with authority or capacity to create or affect legal relations between a principal and third parties: Kennedy v de Trafford [1895-9] All ER Rep 408, [1897] AC 180 (HL). The general rule of law is that whatever a person who is of full legal capacity can do personally, he can also do through his agent: Bevan v Webb [1901] 2 Ch 59 (CA). A principal may be vicariously liable for the agent’s tortious conduct, such as negligence: Kooragang Investments Pty Ltd v Richardson & Wrench Ltd [1982] AC 462 (PC). A principal is liable for the fraud of his agent acting within the scope of his authority, whether the fraud is committed for the benefit of the principal or for the benefit of the agent: Lloyd (Pauper) v Grace, Smith & Co [1912] AC 716 (HL). 2. In business, sometimes used to refer to a person who has no principal but who on the person’s own account offers for sale a particular article having a special name; for example, a patentee: Wheeler & Wilson v Shakespear (1869) 39 LJ Ch 36; a shipbroker: Harpers & Co v Vigers Bros [1909] 2 KB 549; a broker: Hutcheson v Eaton (1884) 13 QBD 861. 3. A person employed to introduce business to another person, but not to create legal relations. An example is an estate agent employed to find a purchaser with whom the vendor may be prepared to contract: Chan Yiu Ming v L & D Associates, Head Office & Anor [1992] HKDCLR 1 (DC); So Amy & Ors v Au Leslie [1995] 2 HKC 113 (CA). An agent is answerable to the principal for his wrongful acts, neglect or omission: But Chung Yin v Billion Extension Development Ltd & Anor [1997] 1 HKC 531 (HC). See also Agency; Auctioneer; Broker; Capacity; Del credere agent; Factor; Fiduciary; Forwarding agent; General agent; Insurance agent; Mercantile agent; Principal; Special agent; Third party.
1.就其嚴格的法律含義,擁有權限或職分訂立或影響委託人跟第三者之間的法律關係的人:Kennedy v de Trafford [1897] AC 180(上議院)。一般法律規則指出,一個有正式法律身分的人可親自做的事,亦可透過其代理人代辦:Bevan v Webb [1901] 2 Ch 59(英國上訴法院)。委託人可能因代理人的侵權行為(如疏忽行為)而負上轉承法律責任:Kooragang Investments Pty Ltd v Richardson & Wrench Ltd [1982] AC 462(樞密院)。不論觸犯詐騙行為的目的是為了使委託人或代理人得益,若代理人在其權限範圍內行事,則委託人對其代理人該詐騙行為須負上法律責任:Lloyd v Grace, Smith & Co [1912] AC 716(上議院)。 2.  在商業方面,有時用作指某個未有委託人的人,但為其本人提供某件擁有特別名目的特定物品以作銷售,例如專利持有人:Wheeler & Wilson v Shakespear (1869) 39 LJ Ch 36; 船舶經紀人:Harper v Vigers [1909] 2 KB 549;經紀人:Hutcheson v Eaton 13 QBD 865。 3.   受僱為另一人介紹業務的人,而非為訂立法律關係。例子有:受僱尋找買家,使賣方可能擬跟該買家訂立合約:Chan Yiu Ming v L & D Associates, Head Office & Anor [1992] HKDCLR 1 (DC); So Amy & Ors v Au Leslie [1995] 2 HKC 113(上訴法院)。代理人須對委託人為其不正當的行為、疏忽或不作為負上法律責任:But Chung Yin v Billion Extension Development Ltd [1997] 1 HKC 531 (高等法院)。另見 Agency; Auctioneer; Broker; Capacity; Del credere agent; Factor; Fiduciary; Forwarding agent; General agent; Insurance agent; Mercantile agent; Principal; Special agent; Third party。n.




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