

单词 Agency clause
释义 代理條款
1. A clause in an agreement with a licensed agent for the performance of services for a commission, fee, gain, or reward: Coles v Trecothick (1804) 9 Ves 234. 2. A clause that specifies the extent of the authority of an agent to act on behalf of the principal. 3. A clause in a document, not in itself an agency agreement, which provides for, or makes reference to, the creation of a relationship of agent and principal: Re Consort Deep Level Gold Mines Ltd, ex p Stark [1897] 1 Ch 575 (CA). See also Agency; Express agency; Express authority; Scope of authority.
1.  就持牌代理人為佣金、費用、收益或報酬而履行服務,與該代理人訂立的協議的一項條款:Coles v Trecothick (1804) 9 Ves 234。 2.  規定代理人代表委託人行事時的權限的一項條款。 3.  某文件內的一項條款,而該文件並非代理協議書,該條款規定或參照委託人跟代理人關係的訂立:Re Consort Deep Level Gold Mines Ltd, ex p Stark [1897] 1 Ch 575(英國上訴法院)。另見 Agency; Express agency; Express authority; Scope of authority。




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