

单词 Surrender value
释义 退回價值
The amount payable to a life insurance policyholder who surrenders or cancels the policy before the maturity date of the policy. The value of a current policy depends upon the life expectation of the life insured, and the value, though only nominal at the commencement of the risk, usually increases according to the length of the period during which the policy has remained in force. If, therefore, the policy is allowed to lapse, its value will be lost to the assured. To obviate this, provision may be made by which the assured becomes entitled on notice to surrender the policy and to be paid its surrender value: Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States v Reed [1914] AC 587 (PC).
應支付予人壽保險保單持有人的款項,該人在保單到期日前退回或取消有關的保單。現行保單的價值視乎受保人身的預期壽命,此外,有關的價值儘管在風險展開時屬名義上的價值,但如有關的保單在該等期間仍然生效,則價值通常會按照限期的長度而增加。如准予使有關的保單無效,該保單便會喪失對受保人的價值。為消除此現象,可透過作出有關的條文,使受保人可在發出通知的情況下,有權享有退回保單的權利,並獲支付退回價值:Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States v Reed [1914] AC 587(樞密院)。




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