

单词 Legal executory interest
释义 合法未來有效的權益
An interest which gives a person other than the settlor a right to property in the future. It is the same as the future interests created under common law (ie reversion and remainder) but an executory interest is created under equity, or by devise at common law: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0060]. It differs from remainder in that the right does not follow upon the natural determination of the prior estate but will bring that prior estate to a premature end, either by shifting the interest to a third person on happening of a specified event or springing up the interest in the future on the happening of a specified event. For example, A grants a property to B for life, but if B marries then to C (shifting use); A grants a property to B when B reaches 21 (springing use). Executory interests fall into two types, executory uses or trusts and executory devises: Nield, Hong Kong Land Law (2nd Ed, Longman) ch 8 pp 188, 189. See also Legal estate; Remainder; Shifting use; Use.
賦予財產授予人以外的人未來財產權的權益。它與根據普通法所訂立的未來權益相同(即復歸權益與剩餘),但未來有效的權益是根據衡平法或在普通法上由不動產遺贈訂立:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,土地,第[230.0060]段。它與剩餘不同,因剩餘的權利並非跟隨之前產業權的自然決定,而是將該之前產業權帶至提早結束,不論在特定事件發生的情況下,將該權益轉移至第三者身上,或在特定事件發生的情況下,有條件地使用該等未來權益。例如:甲將某項財產終身授予乙,但如乙與丙結婚(轉移使用權);甲在乙到達21歲時將某項財產授予乙(未來使用權)。未來有效的權益分為兩種類型,一是未來有效的使用權或信託及未來有效的不動產遺贈:Sarah Nield Hong Kong Land Law (Longman, 第2版,第8章第188及189頁。另見 Legal estate; Remainder; Shifting use; Use。




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