

单词 Exhumation
释义 遺骸撿掘
The removal from a grave or vault of the remains of a deceased person for the purpose of examination. Exhumation without proper authority is prohibited: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 118. Coroners have the power to order the exhumation of a dead body, or the remains of a dead body, for the purpose of discharging any of his duties of inquiring into the cause of death of such person, or exercising any of his powers: Coroners Ordinance (Cap 504) s 7. Also known as ‘disinterment’. See also Autopsy; Body; Burial; Coroner; Remains.
就驗證的目的而將死者的遺骸從墳墓或墓穴移走。在沒有有關當局准許下撿掘遺骸,即屬違法:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第118條。死因裁判官可為履行其查訴有關人士死因的責任或行使其權力,命令將屍體或遺骸檢掘:《死因裁判官條例》(第504章)第7條。另稱「掘出」。另見 Autopsy; Body; Burial; Coroner; Remains。n.




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