

单词 Hong Kong Time
释义 香港時間
The time used for general purposes throughout Hong Kong namely, eight hours in advance of Universal Standard Time, or such other period as may be determined by the Legislative Council by resolution under the Oil (Conservation and Control) Ordinance (Cap 264): Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 67(2). Whenever any expression of time occurs in any Ordinance, the time referred to is Hong Kong Time. A resolution of the Legislative Council may determine Hong Kong Time for the whole or part of a year: s 67(1), (3). For the purpose of conserving oil, the Legislative Council may by resolution determine that for the whole or part of a year or for any period, Hong Kong Time shall be such period in advance of Universal Standard Time as shall be specified in the resolution: Oil (Conservation and Control) Ordinance (Cap 264) s 16.
指在香港一般通用的時間,即較國際標準時間早8小時或早另一時數的時間;該另一時數由立法會根據《石油(保存及管制)條例》(第264章)第16條藉決議而決定: 《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第67(2)條。在條例中遇有表示時間的詞句,所指的時間是香港時間。立法會通過的決議,可決定全年或年內部分期間的香港時間:第67(1)及(3)條。為達致保存石油的目的,立法會可藉決議決定,在全年或年內部分期間或任何期間內,香港時間須較國際標準時間早某一時數的時間,而該時數須在該決議內指明:《石油(保存及管制)條例》(第264章)第16條。




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