

单词 Illegitimacy
释义 非婚生地位
A birth out of wedlock. At common law, a child is legitimate if, and only if, he is born or conceived during his parent’s marriage. Thus, if a child is born to a void marriage, he is also illegitimate. However, the position has been changed by statute. For example, the child of a void marriage shall be treated as a legitimate child: Legitimacy Ordinance (Cap 184) s 11. An illegitimate person may be legitimated by subsequent marriage of his parents: s 3. A person may also apply to court for a declaration of status: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 6(1). Also known as ‘bastard child’, whether female or male. See also Child; Presumption of legitimacy.
在婚姻關係以外的情況下出生生的。在普通法下,僅在父母婚姻期間成胎及出生的子女才屬婚生子女。因此,如子女是在婚姻無效的情況下出生的,他亦屬於非婚生的。但法規已改變了此等情況。例如在婚姻無效的情況下出生的子女,會被視為婚生子女:《婚生地位條例》(第184章)第11條。非婚生人士可通過其父母其後締結婚姻,而獲確立婚生地位:第3條。他們亦可向法院作出宣告地位的申請:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第6(1)條。非婚生人士不論是女性或男性另稱「私生子女」。另見 Child; Presumption of legitimacy。n.




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